Officers Directory

Citizen Charter

The erstwhile State Government had initiated to bring the GPF Accounts of all subscribers on line. Hither to fore this facility was available for limited number of subscribers who were operating on Civil Secretariat treasury and move with Darbar. Subsequently with the creation of GPF Police Cell, J&K (PHQ) and GP Fund Provincial Police Cell, (ZPHQ) subscribers belonging to Police Department were also brought online. The software for this purpose was developed in consultation with the National Informatic Centre.

Same online system has now been successfully extended to all other District Fund Offices. This move has brought the Organisation to the forefront of technology up-gradation, intensified transparency in accounting and also helped to provide required facilities to the subscribers online.

As per prevalent procedure, the GPF contributions are deducted from the salary of the concerned employee's and a schedule of the GPF deductions are sent from the Treasury to the Provident Fund Office, who maintain the GPF Accounts of the Government employees & an SMS is instantly sent to the employee once the credit/debit is posted against their computer code. The main purpose of putting the accounts on the Web & sending SMS is to ensure that the discrepancies relating to contributions are taken care of. The employees themselves are able to see as to what is their contribution to the fund and as to how it has progressed.

From August 2020 , Funds organization has switched over to REAL TIME POSTING OF LEDGER ACCOUNTS of its esteemed subscribers. This has done away with the huge delay of one to two months which used to occur in the actual posting of account of the subscriber due to manual rendition of accounts by the treasury, manual compilation and then its posting. In real time posting data is electronically ported from the treasury concerned to DFO.

System generated SMS alert is forwarded to all the registered subscribers of the funds organization as soon as his account is posted.

Organization shall also be taking up the issue of the REAL TIME POSTING of SLI premium and providing the facility of SMS alert to the insurants also.

Organization has already initiated the process for creation of repository of TEs issued from 01.04.2000 to 31.03.2021. This will facilitate the fund organizations in the prompt processing of the final refund cases of retired subscriber and will relieve the retired subscriber of unnecessary inconvenience.

Funds Organization is also working vehemently to switch to e-transfer of balances on the subscriber's transfers from one district to another, thus doing away with processing to physical TE's. Possibility of completely elimination the process of making TEs is also being looked into.

Furthermore, It is and will be our endeavor to provide prompt and hassle free service to our esteemed subscribers and insurants, which among others shall include

  1. To provide online Annual Accounts Statements to the DDOs and the subscriber which can be downloaded from the official website of the organization.
  2. To make possible the autharisation of final payment to the subscriber and SLI maturity amount to insurant, on the date of his retirement/ maturity.
  3. To provide information to SLI insurants, just like AAS along and SMS alert, is being provided to GPF subscribers.

These will definitely be a step towards e-governance and will empower the subscribers, to the required extent, and increase efficiency and transparency of the whole system of management of the GP Fund accounts for providing better service to the esteemed subscribers and insurants.