Officers Directory


The J&K Funds Organization has been established for maintenance of the GP Fund accounts of the State government Employees w.e.f. 01.04.86. These accounts were till that time maintained by the Accountant General J&K and only GPF accounts of class IV employees used to be maintained by two provincial level office of State Finance Department. The J&K Funds Organization also maintains State Life Insurance (SLI) accounts of government employees who subscribe premium to SLI which is mandatory for Govt employees. The GPF as well as SLI subscriptions are deducted monthly from each Government employee pay bill as per rules in vogue.

The following rules and regulations are observed in the discharge of its functions:

  1. GPF (Central service)Rules (1960)
  2. J&K G.P. Fund Manual
  3. State Insurance Fund Rules.


The jurisdiction of the GP fund Organization extends to whole of the UT of Jammu and Kashmir. The GP Fund Organization has twenty District level offices in addition to following offices which have come into existence in recent past.

  1. GP Fund office (Police Head Quarter).
  2. GP Fund office (Zonal Police Head Quarters ,Jammu and Kashmir).
  3. G.P. Fund office(Civil Secretariat J&K)

The Directorate of Funds Organization is headed at present by Director General who exercises overall Administrative and Financial powers conferred under statutory rules/ regulations. The Directorate office moves with Darbar and is housed in Finance Complex, Muthi , in Jammu and Old Secretariat at Srinagar. The official telephone Nos are:

  1. Jammu 0191-2598724
  2. Srinagar 0194-2474215

The Directorate of Funds Organization is assisted by two Joint Directors at provincial level who also discharge their duties as controlling officers and monitor and supervise the working of the each District Fund Office. The District level Fund Offices are headed by Chief Accounts Officers. The Divisional Fund Offices, in addition to exercising administrative and financial controls, consolidate/compile the overall in and output figures of the G.P. F & S.L.I. of District Fund Offices. The Divisional Fund Offices also conduct regular audits of the fund offices in their jurisdiction.

Recent Advances And Future Goals


Earlier District Fund Offices used to maintain GP Fund accounts of subscribers manually. In 2006-07, an effort was made to computerize maintenance of G.P. Fund accounts to remove delay in consolidation of GPF accounts at state level as well as of individual ledgers of subscribers. This exercise was undertaken in consultation with NIC who developed required software and ensured its maintenance. All the offices were provided hardware and the said application was started in the offline mode. Within afew years all fund offices were subsequently brought at par in maintenance of individual ledgers and fund accounts.


An effort to bring all fund offices from offline to online mode has been successfully undertaken recently in consultation with NIC. In this programme, all districts and other GPF entities have been brought online and all GPF details are available to subscribers on World Wide Web. This has greatly facilitated GP Fund subscribers to ascertain their balances at click of the button at all times. It has made functioning of the funds Organization fully transparent and facilitated GP Fund subscribers in every regard.


In order to further reduce the time between actual deduction of subscription by the DDO and its posting the GPF account of the subscriber, organization has gone a step further by implementing the real time posting of GPF accounts from August 2020 again in consultation and support of the NIC who developed and up graded the software. With this development funds organization has been able to post the accounts of its esteemed subscriber within two days after receiving it electronically from treasuries on 8th of every next month.

  1. GPF subscribers have been provided with the facility to view their yearly credit balance at the click of button by logging in at he official website of the organization. Subscribers can click on login window & after entering their computer code and password can view their year-wise balances at a glance.
  2. Besides, SMS service is also being provided to subscribers where in each registered subscriber gets a SMS alert message on his cell number indication the month and amount credited / debited into his GPF account.


Furthermore, organization is working vehemently to switch to e-transfer of balances once the subscriber transfers from one district to another, thus doing away with processing to physical TE's


Aside from maintaining GP Fund accounts of subscribers, the J&K Funds Organization also maintains State Life Insurance (SLI) accounts of the insurant employees. Just like GPF need was felt to develop software for the maintenance of the account of the SLI also. Development of Software for the maintenance of SLI account of the insurants was taken up in consultation with NIC and the same has been made operational in the funds organization. As on date all the posting of SLI premium is being done by using the software.


State Life Insurance (SLI) accounts of employees, which was being maintained at provincial level has been decentralized now & merged with district fund offices. The two offices of SLI at provinces serve as repository of records of all employees who are insured with SLI. The registration of insurants as well as settlement of claims are carried by respective fund offices of the district after the decentralization of the SLI wide government order no….... dated.The GP Fund office in Civil Secretariat process and settle SLI cases too. The maximum of insurances slabs currently is Two lacs.


It will be the responsibility of each District Fund Office to ensure that the individual ledger accounts of G.P Fund subscribers are maintained strictly in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government from time to time. For this purpose the District Fund Office is required:-

  1. To compile the fund accounts received from the compiling treasuries of the district both head wise and treasury wise.
  2. Post the accounts both receipts and payments in the individual ledger accounts to be maintained for all subscribers in the district.
  3. Transfer the balances of the subscribers transferred to any other district in the event of transfer in the service/post.
  4. Allot A/c No's. to new subscribers in the district with Code No's. for the district and the department as specified in the instructions.
  5. Prepare, maintain and arrange the safe custody of the records of nominations, approved in respect of each individual subscriber.
  6. Maintain a classified consolidated District Board Sheet for both head wise and treasury wise of receipts and payments accounts of the fun.
  7. Submission of monthly consolidated B. Sheet figures to the Divisional Head office for incorporating the figures in the consolidated B. Sheet for the State as a whole.
  8. Reconciliation of the head wise and treasury wise figures with the district compiling treasuries and timely submission of reconciled monthly statement of debit and credit figures to the head office.
  9. The District Fund Office would also serve for the collection of information regarding missing credits, wrong Account No's. Personally on the spot and would act as a District compiling treasuries so that unpost items are not allowed to accumulate.
  10. Issue of annual accounts statement to the subscribers.
  11. Correspondence in respect of items held under objections.
  12. Preparation of budget estimates under the following heads:
    1. 254-Accounts and Treasuries Administration under the new sub-head to be opened for the fund organization.
    2. 805-C.P. Fund (Receipts and payments)
      805-C.P. Fund (Receipts and payments)
      805-G.P. Fund Local Bodies and Evacuees Property
    3. 249-Interest G.P. Fund.
      G.P.Fund Local Bodies.
    4. 288-Social Security and Welfare (Deposit Linked Insurance)
  13. Calculation of Interest due for the year.
  14. Adjustment of missing and unpost credits/debits.
  15. Primary audit of temporary and final withdrawals with sanction.
  16. Review of ledger folios with a view to arrest the increase in the missing credits and punctual referred to the advance and interest thereon taken from Provident Fund balances.
  17. Prompt settlement of final refund claims.
  18. Ensure that the requirements of the department in regard to maintenance of Provident fund accounts of the State as a whole are properly met with.


It is the preliminary duty of the Divisional Offices to see that:

  1. The procedure laid down in Manual is strictly adheredto by fund offices.
  2. The different registers and books of accounts aremaintained properly and closed periodically as laiddown in the manual.
  3. The returns and Accounts are submitted to DivisionalHead office within the scheduled time.
  4. There is no delay in finalization of the Final Refundcase and residual claims.
  5. There is no accumulation of papers on the tables of theofficials, the reasons for such accumulation shall beprobed into and necessary suggestions given for properalignment of staff.
  6. A random check shall be conducted to see that ledgeraccounts tally with balance sheet totals and thesefigures in turn tally with the figures incorporated by theCompilor in consolidated balance sheet head-wise/treasury wise and communicated by him to theDivisional Head offices.
  7. The officer Incharge exercises scrutiny of the accountsto ensure that it is not being done in an arbitrarymanner.
  8. The nominations are kept in the safe custody.
  9. The objections filed by the subscriber with regard to acceptance of balances communicated by them arebeing attended to properly.
  10. The records of the schedule accounts and ledger havebeen maintained properly dully bound and an inventoryhas been prepared.
  11. In addition to Administrative inspection, physicalverification of dead stock items shall also be undertakenand report issued highlighting excess and shortages if any noticed.
  12. The reconciliation of receipts and payment figures withthe treasury figures has been done monthly and there isno amount of debit/ credit under Compilors objectionbook of the District Fund Officer.


A citizen or a member of general public can seek information pursuant to J&K Right to Information rules 2004from the incharge of the Fund office. The person seekinginformation has to ensure strict adherence of the provisionsof prevalent Act.Moreover timely processing of FR (Final Refund) & TE (Transfer Entry) cases can also be sought under provisions of PSGA (Public Services Guarantee Act) 2011

SMS Facility: Subscribers after getting their mobile numbers linked with their respective computer code receive an instant SMS when the credit/debit is posted in their favor.

Access to view GPF Balance: Subscribers can click on login window & after entering their computer code and password can view their year-wise balances at a glance.